Beauty activity has never been so intense and new key players have been entering the market and changing all traditional methods. The rules are being reinvented every second and consumers are more and more attracted to dynamic, fun and innovative brands. Especially when these brands share their same values and insights.
What fun and new brands are we talking about ? Indie Beauty Brands of course! And if you are one of them, you defnitely see yourserf in the description of this new entrepreneurship.
As an important actor of the Beauty Industry, you need your business to go as fast as the trends and as wide as the consumer desires.
How can you achieve that ? How can you reduce your Time to Market and reach ASAP your consumers and every make-up and skin care enthusiast ? Well… you find local, efficient, at the cutting edge of technology and ready to take any size and any timing business suppliers !
Where to find them ? At MakeUp in NewYork, the 11&12 September, at the Center415 in Manhattan. You will meet there the finest manufacturers from packaging, formulation, accessories, design to full service suppliers alongside experts to guide you in your adventure during the conferences.

Such a jamp-packed program at MakeUp in NewYork, and you have not been surprised yet!